The final object can be found on
Below is the code which you should get to by the end of the video if you were following along.
/* Created by David Taylor as part of a video series Video are available at */ include <libraries/MCAD/boxes.scad> hw=40; d=20; t=5; hr=3; cr=2.5; difference() { union() { translate([(hw/2)-(t/2),0,0]) { //cube([hw,d,t], center=true); roundedBox([hw,d,t],cr,true); } translate([0,0,(hw/2)-(t/2)]) { rotate([0,90,0]) { //cube([hw,d,t], center=true); roundedBox([hw,d,t],cr,true); } } translate([((hw/2)*sqrt(2))/2,0,((hw/2)*sqrt(2))/2]) { rotate([0,45,0]) { cube([hw,d,t], center=true); } } cube([t,d,t],center=true); } translate([(hw/4),0,0]) { cylinder(h=(t*2), r=hr, $fn=100, center=true); } translate([(hw/4)*3,0,0]) { cylinder(h=(t*2), r=hr, $fn=100, center=true); } rotate([0,-90,0]) { translate([(hw/4),0,0]) { cylinder(h=(t*2), r=hr, $fn=100, center=true); } translate([(hw/4)*3,0,0]) { cylinder(h=(t*2), r=hr, $fn=100, center=true); } } translate([(hw/4),0,(hw/2)+(t/2)+0.1]) { cylinder(h=(hw), r=(hr*2), $fn=100, center=true); } translate([(hw/2)+(t/2)+0.1,0,(hw/4)]) { rotate([0,90,0]) { cylinder(h=(hw), r=(hr*2), $fn=100, center=true); } } translate([(hw/4)*3,0,(hw/2)+(t/2)]) { cylinder(h=(hw), r=(hr*2), $fn=100, center=true); } translate([(hw/2)+(t/2),0,(hw/4)*3]) { rotate([0,90,0]) { cylinder(h=(hw), r=(hr*2), $fn=100, center=true); } } translate([(hw/4)+(hw/2),0,(hw/4)+(hw/2)]) { cube([hw,(hr*4),hw], center=true); } translate([(hw)-sqrt(pow(hw/8,2)-pow(t/2,2)),0,(t)]) { rotate([0,20,0]) { cube([(hw/4),d,t],center=true); } } translate([(t),0,(hw)-sqrt(pow(hw/8,2)-pow(t/2,2))]) { rotate([0,-20,0]) { cube([t,d,(hw/4)],center=true); } } } |
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